Professional Memberships


    The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency works in partnership with the National Boards to ensure that Australia’s registered health practitioners are suitably trained, qualified and safe to practise. Public safety is AHPRA’s top priority.

  • AAPI

    The Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi) is the leading not-for-profit peak body representing all psychologists Australia-wide. Their core values include democracy, unity and diversity. They


    The EMDR Association of Australia (EMDRAA) is a professional association responsible for setting the clinical standards for EMDR practitioners and researches. EMDR is recognised as an affective treatment but the World Health Organisation.


    The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder WA (ADHD WA) provides ADHD advice, assessment and advocacy. Supporting individuals and families impacted by ADHD in WA. ADHD WA plays a key role in raising awareness of ADHD politically & in the wider community.


    The Australian ADHD Professional Association is not-for-profit organisation with a diverse range of interdisciplinary professionals from New Zealand. AADPA is committed to working towards enhanced lifetime outcomes for individuals & families impacted by ADHD.